"Relax and admire wonders of nature while stitching this gracious Earth Queen. Unlike her powerful and majestic sister Fire Queen, this dark-haired beauty is full of love and tenderness. Her dress is a delicate balance of lavender and green colors, sparkling with metallics. In her endless love towards all living creatures with a simple flower in her hair instead of a crown, Queen of Earth is as humble and kind as the planet she rules."
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The "Queen of Earth" model is stitched on 28 count Jobelan "Bewitched". This design is suitable for Aida fabrics.
Finished size: 11.93" x 12.93" inches or 30.3 x 32.84 cm on 28 count or 14 count.
Finished size: 10.44" x 11.31" inches or 26.52 x 28.73 cm on 32 count or 16 count.
Stitched area: 165 x 179. Stitched 2 over 2.
Please add 2 extra inches on each side for framing to the finished size.
Materials used:
DMC color list 32 colors: 948; 754; 777; 822; 3746 * 2skeins; 333; 318; 317; 319; 986; 3865; 646; 647; 3072; 3756; 743; 758; 967; 890; 310; 3799; 340 * 2 skeins; 413; 155; 934; 367; 898; 3777; 415; 762; 906; 632
Kreinik metallics blending filament 4 colors: 012; 0091; 023; 0008
Mill Hill beads 1 pack: 02020